Everyone has heard the age-old adage that divorce is hardest on the children. That’s why the courts will make decisions in the best interest of the children in all divorce cases. Even if a divorce does not reach the courts, mediation and other negotiations should always center around the best interest of the child. This is especially important for parents who divorce right before or during the school year.
One of the best things you can do to make this situation as easy as possible is to map out the entire school year from start to finish. Or, if you are divorcing in the middle of the school year, from that point to the end.
Make sure you never swap the children between visits at school. This is a big no-no when it comes to having a successful school year. Child swaps can become heated if the two of you do not get along so be sure to keep this away from the school as much as possible. In fact, you should go out of your way to avoid swapping the kids at school.
Be clear on any forms sent home who is allowed to pick the children up from school. Also be sure to include the physical addresses of both parents and their contact information.
Never put your child in the position of messenger between you, your former spouse and their teacher. This can cause unnecessary stress and emotions that no child should experience.
Are you planning to file for divorce while your kids are in the middle of the school year? An experienced child custody attorney in Seymour can help you understand your case and work through the divorce.