You can often come out of a divorce with a much fairer settlement by approaching the whole thing with a cool head and the help of a financial adviser. This is especially important when there's an imbalance in the incomes of the two spouses. You and your spouse...
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At White & White, Attorneys at Law, we care about our clients and about helping them improve their lives.
Month: March 2017
What’s a reasonable purpose for relocating with a child?
It might surprise you to learn that the Tennessee Relocation Statute allows the parent with primary physical custody of a child to relocate more or less at will -- unless the other parent objects and can prove to the court that there's a good reason to deny the move....
Child returned to mother after international kidnapping
After an agonizing 10-month battle to get her son returned from relatives in India, a Tennessee mother finally has her child back in her arms. The traumatic separation of mother and son started after the child's parents visited relatives in India. Since the couple was...
5 pitfalls that can ruin your divorce mediation process
Tennessee requires every divorcing couple to at least attempt mediation -- but what you get out of the process largely depends on what you are willing to set aside before you get there. Some of the most difficult barriers to a successful mediation are the basic...
Is divorce mediation right for you?
Mediation is increasingly being seen as a way to avoid the expense of litigation, minimize hostilities between ex-spouses for their joint benefit and create a mutually acceptable divorce agreement. But is it the right thing for you? The answer to that question really...
My husband and I fight: Is divorce mediation a good idea?
You've just come out of a tumultuous marriage that involved years of on-and-off fighting. Sometimes the arguments were intense, difficult and ugly. Now that you've filed for divorce, though, you're living in separate houses and a sense of peace and calm has returned...