Assistance With Parental Relocations
In today’s 21st century world, people are moving much more than they have in years past. A job relocation or remarriage, for instance, is quite common, given the rise in today’s global economy and social networking. When a divorced parent of minor children wishes to relocate away from the other parent, certain procedures must be followed. In the state of Tennessee, parents must follow the stipulations outlined in the Tennessee “move away law” if they wish to move more than 50 miles from the other parent’s residence. The area is complex and requires the assistance of an experienced Tennessee family law attorney with an understanding in this area.
Experienced Representation From A Family-Run Firm
Located in Seymour, Tennessee, the legal team at White & White, Attorneys at Law, possesses extensive experience in family law matters including parental move-away cases and other child custody court order modifications. Practicing together since 2003, Brandon, Felisha and Sue White work together as a family helping other families throughout East Tennessee find solutions. If a move-away is likely for you or your ex-spouse, a lawyer with White & White, Attorneys at Law, can sit down with you and provide greater guidance on the requirements of the law as it pertains to your particular circumstance. If you are the party wishing to relocate, they can also speak with you about what can be done in the event the other party objects to the change.
Contact White & White, Attorneys at Law, to schedule a free, no obligation consultation at 865-622-7768. You can also reach the firm online. Flexible appointments are available.