You may already know about the many advantages of choosing divorce mediation over litigation. Affordability, speed, privacy and flexibility are just a few. However, because divorce often goes hand-in-hand with emotional turmoil, many spouses divorcing in Tennessee...
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At White & White, Attorneys at Law, we care about our clients and about helping them improve their lives.
Month: June 2018
Sorting through the details in a high-asset divorce
Spouses seeking a high-asset divorce in Tennessee have many expectations about how the process will evolve. Divorce attorneys try to anticipate these expectations and to have answers ready for their clients. It is safe to say that many clients are surprised when their...
Flexibility is valuable when co-parenting during summer vacation
Summer is traditionally when people take vacations. After all, kids are out of school, and the weather is typically beautiful. However, summer vacation trips can become much more complicated in the wake of a divorce. You and your ex both want to spend time with the...
Don’t let your child custody issues rob your kids of these rights
If you are a recently divorced parent, you already know how difficult it is to find a good balance. Everything is different and strange, which makes the peace you so desperately need seem more elusive than ever. Emotions run high and you could find yourself in more...
Are there any disadvantages associated with divorce mediation?
Once couples in Tennessee reach the conclusion that divorce is what they need to move forward, they will have to make decisions on how to proceed with this goal. For some couples, courtroom litigation is the best choice and for others, divorce mediation meets their...