Many Tennessee marriage experts will tell you that having an equal hand in your joint pocketbook is best practice from the start. But after years together, you and your spouse have likely migrated to handling separate aspects of your relationship. Now that you are...
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Month: February 2020
Treat your ex like a business colleague
Divorce means the end of a marriage. However, if you have kids, a new relationship must begin — preferably a positive one. This may be easier if you have an amicable divorce, but it is possible even for couples in contentious situations. The key to a positive working...
Splitting the family business in a divorce
The division of marital assets is an essential component of a Tennessee divorce. Spouses must identify and provide the value of each item, from vehicles and real estate to bank accounts and retirement funds. Unfortunately, not all assets are easily split, especially...
Important estate planning considerations amid divorce
When you made the decision to marry, you probably felt as if nothing could ever come between you and your partner, and you may have placed a good deal of trust in this person at that time. As a result, you may have decided to give your spouse certain rights and powers...
Research shows shared parenting benefits children
Unless there is a history of domestic violence or substance abuse, most researchers agree that after divorce, children are better off living with both parents. The courts do not disagree, although Tennessee statutes note that when determining custody, judges should...