A divorce will alter the way your finances look and will probably require a complete overhaul of your budget. Anticipating these changes can help you take proactive steps to rebuild your wealth. One option you may have considered is to set aside or conceal assets....
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At White & White, Attorneys at Law, we care about our clients and about helping them improve their lives.
Month: January 2022
How will domestic violence impact child custody?
Domestic violence can have a big impact on your divorce and the decisions the court makes in finalizing your decree. When it comes to child custody, it can have a huge effect on the court’s decisions. FindLaw explains you should file for a protection order as soon as...
Alimony, child support and taxes
If you are in the middle of a divorce, now is one of the most important times for you to protect your finances. Spousal support can become burdensome for the person who has to pay, so your wallet may be more vulnerable than ever before. Matters become more complicated...