Child support is a complex topic, making it difficult to understand exactly how much you should receive from the other parent. Determining whether your child support is fair can be confusing, but the state of Tennessee has clear guidelines.
Understanding these guidelines can help ensure that your child receives proper financial support from both parents.
Using state resources
The Tennessee Department of Human Services provides a child support calculator based on an income shares model. This model estimates the financial contributions each parent would make if they lived together. The calculator takes both parents’ incomes into account, as well as other important factors such as the number of children and the amount of time each parent spends with them.
Evaluating the needs of the child
A key factor in deciding whether the child support amount is fair is whether it meets the needs of the child. The support should cover essentials such as housing, food, clothing, healthcare and education. If the amount provided does not adequately cover these needs, it might not be fair.
Adapting to income changes
Income changes are another important consideration. Child support should reflect the current financial situation of both parents. If one parent’s income significantly increases or decreases, it may be necessary to adjust the child support amount. Tennessee law allows parents to request a modification of child support if there is a significant change in circumstances.
Accounting for parenting time
The amount of parenting time also affects child support. In Tennessee, the more time a parent spends with their child, the less they may have to pay in support. If your co-parent spends a significant number of days with the child, that time spent sheltering and providing for the child factors into their parental obligations. This may result in a reduction in the amount of child support they owe to you.
Child support issues are complex, but they are also unique to each respective family. If any significant issues arise, it is important to ask for clarification or request a modification through the courts to ensure the support amount remains appropriate.