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What should I look for in a divorce mediation professional?

It is clear by your question that you and your spouse have already decided to get a divorce and that you think mediation is the best option for you both. While you may feel some relief in having already made this important decision, you and your spouse still have some work to do in finding the right mediator.

Finding the best candidate to handle your divorce mediation seems like a very big deal, and it is. The right mediator can make a huge difference in whether mediation succeeds or fails. You might be pleasantly surprised to learn that following a few simple guidelines can make it much easier to find a mediator that fills your needs. Below are several attributes to look for in a good mediator.

Legal knowledge: Although it is possible to mediate your divorce without attorneys, you may find that a lawyer’s comprehensive knowledge of Tennessee family law is a plus. If so, look for an attorney with special training in the divorce mediation field.

Compassion and fairness: Divorce mediation has the best chance of success if you look for a mediator that demonstrates compassion and caring that balances well with his or her sense of fairness to both parties.

Problem-solving skills: Many times, it takes out-of-the-box thinking to solve divorce issues to the satisfaction of both spouses. Look for a mediator who is skilled at helping you find solutions you may not have considered.

Ease of process: The best mediators understand that making it as easy as possible for spouses to undergo the process increases the couple’s chance of success. Look for someone committed to making the process as easy as possible while also ensuring that you understand everything that is happening.

Source: Huffington Post, “How to Find a Good Divorce Mediator? Your Five Rules of Thumb,” Dr. Michelle Rozen, accessed Feb. 27, 2018