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Child custody case reviewed by Tennessee Supreme Court

The Tennessee Supreme Court recently reviewed a case involving child custody and issued a ruling in favor of the father. In the ruling, the court said that the father established material change of circumstances, which was in the best interest of the children involved for the father to be named as the primary parent of residence.

The couple started dating in 2008, never married and had children together. The relationship ended in 2010. In 2011, the mother of the children moved to Ohio to obtain an advanced educational degree. Both parents agreed to a parenting plan that had the primary residence with the mother and visitation rights for the father due to the distance.

A new plan was reached in 2013 after the father had trouble exercising his visitation rights. Not long after, the sister of the former girlfriend informed the father that the woman was living with the children in Nevada and working at a strip club.

Upon the father confirming this information, he filed an emergency temporary custody order as well as a temporary restraining order. Not long after, a judge ruled that a material change in circumstances happened and issued residential custody to the father in the case.

The mother requested a juvenile hearing, which also ruled in favor of the father. The mother continued to appeal the rulings in favor of the father until the case reached the Supreme Court of Tennessee.

Are you facing a child custody issue in Seymour? It’s best to have all child custody issues handled by an experienced family law attorney.

Source: The Chattanoogan, “Supreme Court Reviews Child Custody Case,” Dec. 19, 2017